Almond green porcelain cat, circa 60, zoomorphic, figurine, statuette
Vintage ceramic figurine couple, boy and girl, biscuit, musician
Vintage ceramic dog CARAFE with 5 small vintage cups France
Couple FIGURINES miniature vintage biscuit, porcelain and fabric skirt
FIGURINE of woman walking her dog on a leash, Vintage Figurine Lady with poodle
FIGURINE of woman walking her dog on a leash, Vintage, Japan 1950
Large STATUETTE Doe and her fawn vintage kitsch Italy
Small vintage wicker rooster owl BOXES, woven wicker owl storage jar, owl jewelry box, miniature figurine
Pair DAUPHIN VASES and her vintage kitsch baby
DOG and her puppies, gilded porcelain, circa 60, zoomorphic, figurine, statuette
Vintage shell FIGURINES, beach art, kitsch
Vintage Ceramic FIGURINE Couple, Boy and Girl, Blue and White
Vintage Ceramic FIGURINE Couple, Boy and Girl, Blue and White, Umbrella, Basket, Porcelain
FIGURINE of Woman Walking Her Dog on a Leash, Vintage Figurine Lady with Poodle, Vintage Porcelain
Antique seashell FIGURINE, French seashell art coastal souvenir, vintage doll, kitsch
STATUETTE couple of BIRDS vintage kitsch
Couple of vintage ceramic FIGURINES, boy and girl, blue pink white, porcelain
SHELL VASE, French Shell Art Coastal Souvenir, Vintage Decor, Kitsch
PORCELAIN FIGURINE, Carriage pulled by 4 horses, vintage porcelain statuette
3 kitsch vintage porcelain parakeet FIGURINES